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Hotel Three Storks

Valdštejnské náměstí 20/8, 118 00 Praha
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Free Wifi
Bowl with water and dog blanket
The luxurious 5 star boutique hotel Three Storks is located in the quiet environment of the Mala Strana (Lesser Town) under the magnificent Prague Castle. In its vicinity there are the most atractive and the most sought out monuments and restaurants in Prague.

The hotel offers unique and original environment designed by AI DESIGN studio in cooperation with Eva Jiřičná Architects in London. The design of the hotel respects the history of the House at Three Storks and creates a perfect harmony of the preserved Renaissance interior and the modern appearance.

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Malostranská6 min
Malostranské náměstí2 min
Malostranské náměstí2 min
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